I just tried to start up Smaart 7 and the software wouldn’t load correctly. Then it said I wasn’t activated and I tried reactivation but that didn’t work either. Then I remember something I had addressed in a previous email between myself and Rational Acoustic’s tech support.
Here is the email exchange:
Smaart 7 worked fine yesterday and I know it’s been registered and activated. What has changed on my rig to cause this issue? Based on John’s email explanation, the following came to mind.
Two things.
1. I have an older Imac hooked up to my newer Imac for transferring files.
2. I have an old HD from my MacBook Pro (also registered with Rational Acoustics) plugged into my newer Imac (registered with Rational Acoustics). Obviously those two harddrives are confusing Smaart 7 because as soon as I ejected them, Smaart 7 works again.