I fellow audio engineer invited me to go with him to figure out how to hang some better speakers in the gymnasium at his child’s school.
The current system has a few things wrong with it. It appears all the HF drivers are blown. The speakers are mostly aimed at the walls and ceiling and not at the seating areas. The existing speakers didn’t have rigging points to begin with so the ISD staff “customized” them and hung them anyway. In case you’re wondering, this is NOT acceptable. NEVER HANG A SPEAKER THAT IS NOT DESIGNED BY THE MANUFACTURER TO BE HUNG. You could kill someone.
Here are a few shots of the current 15 band EQ curve. Of special note is the 12db boost on the input gain followed by almost all boost on the EQ filters. Also note the LF cut fighting against the 25hz, 40hz & 63hz boosts. Good stuff!:) Maybe I can measure the current rig (flat and with the current eq settings) before we dismantle it.
Today we did a coverage analysis and marked the pending ceiling points using a self leveling laser. We also took some measurements using one of the EAW AX cabinets at center court. Tomorrow we’re going back to assist the ISD staff in hanging the new speakers, wire up the rig and do some temporary processing so the school has a working system for the first pep rally of the year.
We have (7) cabinets to work with so were using (3) per side in a L/R/L configuration.
More after tomorrow.