
How to set up Smaart to act like SIM3

A fellow system engineer and mentor of mine uses SIM3 exclusively for measurement purposes and prior to that he used SIM2. It just so happens that his SIM3 rig is in town after a previous measurement / tuning session and he’s arranged for me to borrow it until it is needed on the next job. So soon I will have a SIM3 rig sitting in front of me side by side with Smaart 8.

Who would know better than Jamie Anderson at Rational Acoustics how to configure Smaart to function like SIM3? So I asked the question and here is his response:

“I would set up an eq driving a speaker.
Grab three measurement points. EQ in, EQ out and the measurement mic.

Set up three TF’s:
Room, EQ and Result where:
Room = EQ out vs. Mic
EQ = EQ in vs. EQ out
Result = EQ in vs Mic

Set averaging to 3sec
Set averaging of EQ to 4 FIFO
Set EQ to graph inverted

show plot view as Mag/Mag (view #5)

Display Room and EQ TF’s in upper plot (plot 1)
Display Result TF in lower plot (#2)

That will give a standard SIM view.”

Next week I’ll have a chance to do exactly this and see how it works out. More soon.