
Guitar amp comparison

If you want to get one guitar amp to sound like another, one of the measurements you can make is to send pink noise to each amp & measure the speaker output via your measurement mic.

The procedure would be as follows:

Play your guitar through amp A & adjust until you like the sound
Send pink noise to the input of amp A & capture the frequency & phase response

Send pink noise to the input of amp B & capture the frequency & phase response

Now adjust the EQ & gain settings until the measurement matches that of amp A.

It’s possible that the EQ adjustment of amp B won’t allow for a complete match.
It’s possible that the two amps will be different enough in tonal flexibility that they won’t match.
It’s possible that the two amps will have different distortion characteristics in which case they won’t match.

Regardless you should be able to get as close as possible by measuring the two amps.

While you’re setup to measure, it would be wise to take measurements with all the EQ parameters at their minimum & maximum settings & make captures of each one by itself. Then take the same measurements & make the same captures using different minimum & maximum settings between EQ bands. This way you will know exactly what knob is adjusting what range of frequencies & how they react to each other.